Increase the effectiveness of your efforts
drastically with an MintoA marketing plan.

Peter Potters is the founder of the company MintoA: After 20 years within BtB environment of Unilever a seasoned professional. During this experience he was responsible for the development of new methods and capabilities in the area of online marketing and sales for Unilever BtB worldwide. He has now condensed all this experience in a few very simple methods suitable for many companies operating BtB. He has helped many companies being more succesfull since.
MintoA’s name is by design: Marketing into Action: Peter hasn’t always had positive experiences with consultants as an enterpreneur within Unilever; nice presentations of guys in expensive suits did not deliver traction. Nor has it been very beneficial tos end teams to expensive courses, failing to generate traction to change organisations internally once back with the new learnings.
The only effective tool Peter has seen is to create hands-on workshops in which new theory is simply embedded and directly applied to a real live case, this together with the actual team being responsible for the sales result: that’s the secred of the succes behind MintoA!